BoT LoreBook
Web app for the game Book of Travels, loaded with an search function to find all the lore in the game. Explore dynamic routes, App router, SSR, Tailwind and more.
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Stephano Melo
Full-stack Developer / 2 year +
Web app for the game Book of Travels, loaded with an search function to find all the lore in the game. Explore dynamic routes, App router, SSR, Tailwind and more.
Website for the game Book of Travels, explore some of the features and news of the game. Developed with NextJs, Tailwind and more.
Main website for the company Might & Delight, explore the different games and news. Developed with NextJs, Mantine, DATOcms and more.
Checkout out some of my latest projects.
Developed with NextJs, App router, dynamic routes and more of next features, styled with Tailwind. Watches are my passion so I made a store for it..
Back when i did freelancing, this was my personal consultant website made with UX in mind and developed with Nextjs and Mantine..
Simple event timer made with Angular, I wanted to learn the basics of Angular so I made this project. Developed with Typescript and data is stored in local storage, try it out..